JULY 13, 2005




Commissioner – Robert Doherty, Deputy Commissioner – Sandy Blumberg, Treasurer – Bob Driffill, Ace Coaching Coordinator – Larry Bruyere, Financial Secretary – Laurie Boaz, Associate Director – Rosemary Voulelikas, Legal Counsel – Louis Pacella, Ice Convenor – Chris Carcerano, Member Services – Wendy Goldstein, Statistician – Annie Fisher.



Anaheim Jr. Ducks, Bakersfield Dragons, Bay Harbor Red Wings, Beach City Lightning, California Bears, California Stars, Channel Island Riptide, Huntington Beach Sun Devils, Inland Valley Wild, LA Hockey Club, LA Jr. Kings, La Jolla Jaguars, Jr. Ice Dogs, Ontario Eagles, Pasadena Maple Leafs, San Diego Gulls, South Coast Sabers, West Valley Wolves, Valencia Express, and Ventura Mariners.



California Wave, North Valley Tigers, San Diego Ice Arena and Yorba Linda Blackhawks.


Commissioner Robert Doherty called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.


It was determined that twenty (20) Presidents were present at the meeting enough for a quorum.



The June meeting minutes were distributed for review. Laura Ryan noted that the 7-13-05 minutes should be corrected to reflect Larry Cahn as present for the San Diego Gulls. Laurie B. motioned to accept the 7-13-05 minutes as amended and Lisa E. seconded. MOTION PASSED.



Bob introduced Martin Parrot, Travel Consultant for CM Travel. He distributed a folder explaining the company and the opportunities of their fundraising program. Basically funds are raised through teams and individuals arranging hotels, transportation etc. through the company and the company gives back 1 – 2% of total hotel, transportation and airline costs back to the club. There is no contract involved only an agreement that needs to be signed and cancellation is automatic via email.



Bob Doherty gave a brief overview of the CAHA Annual Meeting held in June. Some of the issues discussed at the CAHA Board meeting were the following:

·         Four Appeal hearings were held for the CA players that were suspended at the Pacific District Camp.

·         CAHA is still looking for a CAHA membership Committee Chair. Bob reiterated that Mary Nash resigned as of May 31, 2005 and that the position was still open.

·         Bob gave the results of the CAHA board elections. SCAHA ended up with less representation on the CAHA board.

·         The appeal hearings took up much of the CAHA Annual meeting’s time and the Youth Council was not able to make its detailed presentation of the proposed Youth Rule changes for the 2005-2006 season.


Bob informed the board that CAHA decided to table the proposed new youth rules for this season and only those new rules that were already voted on and passed during the 2004-2005 season were in effect for the 2005-2006 season. Louis Pacella stated that he would like to revisit the tryout dates for the following 2006-2007 season. Ron White stated if we are trying to provide customer satisfaction then August 5 is too late a date for tryouts for Youth hockey in CA. The biggest problem is getting jerseys sized and delivered on time for the start of the season.


Bob informed the board that the CAHA Executive Committee decided not to include Andy Cohen’s request for an appeal to their Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors’ agenda.


Bob gave the dates for the National and District Championships:

·         District Championships:

·         Tier I 12U and 14U San Jose, March 9-12, 2006

·         Tier I 16U and 18U Fairbanks, March 9-12, 2006

·         Tier II 12U Las Vegas, March 2-5, 2006

·         Tier II 14U Anchorage March 9-12, 2006

·         Tier II 16U and 18U Las Vegas March 2-5, 2006

·         National Championship sites were awarded:

·         Tier I and II 12U & 14U    Buffalo Pepsi Center

·         Tier I 16U & 18U Frazier Michigan

·         Girls, San Jose Logitech


Bob summarized the LAHOA contract once again. There was some discussion concerning the proposed travel fees of $25 per official per set of consecutive games worked who must travel in excess of 50 miles one-way 100 miles round trip. Louis P. suggested that we limit the travel fee to $300/year/club. Lisa England motioned to accept the LAHOA proposed contract as written except for the travel fee. The travel fee to be amended to have a limit of up to but not to exceed $300 per year per club. Bridget H. seconded it. 16 voted in favor and four - (4) abstained. MOTION PASSED.


Bob reiterated the importance of involvement and stressed that he would like to see more people involved in the various committees. He named the various Chairs:

·         The Play-off Committee Chaired by Tony Romo

·         SCAHA Pre-Select Camp Chaired by Charlie Knotts and LeAnn Doherty

·         Scholarship Committee Chaired by Laurie Boaz

·         Discipline Committee Chaired by Sandy Blumberg


Bob stated that SCAHA would not reschedule games. If two teams have a conflict then they must reschedule their games and submit to SCAHA the date and time of the rescheduled game. If the two clubs can not reach an agreement within seven (7) days then the original scheduled game stands and forfeiture fees will apply.

Lisa asked if the rescheduling forms that were discussed last season would be made available online. Chris Carcerano replied that clubs would be allowed to go online but only when both Presidents have signed off on the rescheduled date. Ellen McNally asked for a clarification. Bob stated that SCAHA would not force anyone to reschedule games but would hope that clubs would be able to work amongst themselves to pay ice, etc.


Bob informed the board that SCAHA would try to put the schedule out early. Chris C. stated that the schedule could be released in four (4) phases. If a conflict occurs in the first phase of the schedule then the rescheduled date and time MUST be within that first phase. Bob reiterated that clubs must respond within the timelines set for certain deadline dates such as, team declarations, ice slots, etc.


Exhibition Teams for next season:

Bob has received requests from Team Phoenix, AAA teams, SDIA and girls teams to have them included in the SCAHA schedule as exhibition games. There was some discussion concerning exhibition games possibly skewing the schedule when not all the teams end up playing the same amount of games. It was also discussed that anyone in our schedule must abide by SCAHA’s rules regarding delinquent players, rosters, etc. Bob informed the board that the Executive Committee has to meet to make its recommendation.


Ron W. motioned to have the Girls Mite (8U) and the Squirt (10U) included in SCAHA’s schedule and that the games would count in the standings and that they would play at the same appropriate youth age as the boys.  The girls teams at these two levels would be play-off eligible. Louise Soltero seconded it. MOTION PASSED.


Laurie R. motioned to not allow non-SCAHA member club exhibition teams in SCAHA’s game schedule for this upcoming 2005-2006 season. Louise S. seconded it. 13 voted in favor, four - (4) against and three - (3) abstained. MOTION PASSED.


There was discussion concerning scheduling games for the PW and BN AAA teams with the AA teams. Bob reminded the board of a motion approved at a previous meeting for SCAHA to provide a full schedule for all the Tier II Divisions. Discussions centered on the available weekends left in the schedule. Larry B. motioned to have SCAHA schedule games, single round robin for each of the Tier II divisions, Peewee through Midgets. Rick Kent seconded it.  Kevin C. asked why do we have to schedule any of the Midget Tier II teams if CAHA is providing a mandated schedule? Bob answered that the Presidents wanted it. Ten - (10) voted in favor of, six - (6) against and four - (4) abstained. MOTION PASSED.



Discipline Committee:

Sandy informed the board there were two outstanding issues for review and that she would need at least three (3) people for the Disciplinary Committee to review the hearing.


Sandy also stated SCAHA was approached by the San Diego Officials Association to set up a meeting. Sandy felt this was encouraging for us and will report back to the board.


Sandy stated she had the SCAHA Championship plaques for the following division champs: MTB, SQA, PWA, PWB, BNB and MDA16U and for the presidents to pick them up at the end of the meeting.


Rules Committee Recommendations:

Sandy reminded the board of the outstanding verbiage for Section 35 of the SCAHA Rules. The proposed verbiage handed out at the last board meeting would replace articles 35.14 and 35.15. Laurie motioned to approve Section 35 with the proposed verbiage and Louise S. seconded it. 18 voted in favor and two (2) abstained. MOTION PASSED.


Lisa E. motioned to add the word ‘illegal” to article 35.21 of section 35: Suspensions. Bridget seconded it. 15 voted in favor, one (1) voted against and four (4) abstained. MOTION PASSED.


Sandy reminded the board we did not address SCAHA Bylaws this year. It was agreed to table the Bylaws until the new season.



Bob Driffill informed the board that five Resolutions are needed. They involve new signature cards, new bank accounts, etc. Currently, Tony Romo and Curt Castagna have signing authority.


Larry B motioned to give Bob Driffill, Sandy Blumberg and Bob Doherty signing authority once Louis P. reviews the resolutions. 18 voted in favor, and two (2) abstained. MOTION PASSED.


Louis Pacella as Legal Counsel for SCAHA wanted to share with the board the following findings regarding USA Hockey’s Bylaw 10. Bylaw 10 also covers financial disputes between the club and its members. Members not in good standing are subject to immediate suspension. As a member of USA Hockey, disputes must follow the procedures set in Bylaw 10. An arbitration chart shows the steps required. Anytime someone doesn’t follow the procedures then they can be suspended.


There is no prohibition against someone stating he will be getting a lawyer. Until you receive the letter from his lawyer you can not suspend him for just saying it. Once you receive the letter from the lawyer then he is suspended immediately until such time that the case is resolved. (See 10.A.6 p.126 in the 2004-2005 USA Hockey Annual Guide).



Wendy Goldstein summarized the fee schedule for the USA Hockey online registration. There is no fee for 6U, adults are $32 and players up to 18 years of age pay $34. She reminded the presidents to make sure to verify the delinquency list. Delinquent players are not permitted to tryout. Registrars must submit the signed LOI’s within 7 days of signing to her. Wendy will be emailing to all the registrars the CAHA PDR chart as well as the BRR grid of the final team roster numbers.


Wendy reminded everyone of the SCAHA registrar’s meeting on July 30, 2005 from 9 am to 11 am at Skate Zone, Huntington Beach. She will have sets of the STOP patches available for purchase.



Chris will be sending out a contact list for review and updating of information. He will be asking for the Tier team declarations around the middle of August and the A/B team declarations towards the end of August. You will be also required to provide the game ice slots and the black out dates. There should be around four (4) to five (5) preseason games.


Lisa E. asked if the CAHA venues for the Midget Tier II weekends were assigned. The answer was no not at this time.



Annie Fisher stated the team packets would be distributed at the registrar’s meeting at the end of the month.



No report at this time.



No report at this time.



Carmen Starr Scholarship:

LeAnn Doherty reported 15 applications were received and the Committee selected seven- (7) for review. The three- (3) winners of the Carmen Starr Scholarship were awarded to Walter Voisard from the Wild, Matthew Brusis from the Gulls and Dylan Ramos from the Wild. Each of the awardees will receive $1000 scholarship. The checks will be mailed directly to the colleges.


Lori motioned to adjourn the meeting and Bridget seconded. MOTION PASSED.


Next meeting is August 10th, 2005.


Meeting adjourned at 9:44 PM.