Safe Sport Page

Hello Safesport Coordinators! 

Welcome to another season. If you completed the Safesport training last season, you do not have to do it again - it is effective for two years. If you have not taken the training, please do so prior to Labor Day weekend if possible. Please remember that the role of Safesport Coordinator for your organization includes the following requirements:

  • CAHA screening: On the screening tab on the left side of the CAHA website main page.
  • USA Hockey registration: Register as a volunteer or manager on the USAH website (volunteer/off-ice participant).
  • Safesport online training through USAH website:
  • Send a copy of the confirmation email certificate you receive from the Safesport online training to both myself ( and Nancy Hodge (

Important: Your greatest tool this season is the Safesport manual, which is available on the USAH website as a pdf download. Please print it out, read it, and take it with you always. It is an excellent manual.  You can also download the latest Safesport training presentation: download

Important dates and information:

1. Be sure you are trained ASAP and send in your certificate.

2. It is your role to train your coaches, managers, locker room attendants and board members.  You will primarily use your manual, or the powerpoint presentation, to do this.  I am available to help you if you need it with training - just ask me.

3. It is also your role to ensure all of your managers have presented the Safesport program to their parents and players.  You can also offer to do this, but Safesport must be presented to every team.

4. One of your primary responsibilities is ensuring me, via email by November 28, 2014, that every member of your club who is in a management role (team manager, locker room attendant, board member) is Safesport certified.

3. Communicate.  Email me if you have a question and I will answer it via email or call you to discuss.  Communication is the key to a successful Safesport program.  And again, I will be happy to meet with you if you need it.

Thank you all for your volunteer service, see you soon!
Rick Hutchinson
SCAHA Safesport Coordinator


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